Polynesian Gardens Condominiums

Javier Jimenez
1969 - 2014

I am the
resurrection and the life;
he that believeth in me though he were dead, yet shall he live;
And whoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die...
John 11:25-26

In Loving Memory

Working with Javier was like working with a family member. He made me feel welcomed from the very first time I set foot on this property. He truly cared about Polynesian Gardens and that passion rubbed off on all of us. I always looked forward to the "Good Morning Javier" part of my day. Unfortunately, I will no longer have the pleasure of the "Good Morning," but I will hold a special place in my heart for Javier as I am sure his spirit will be always present here at Polynesian Gardens...Hector Lopez
We were blessed for the years Javier was with us. He was one of the kindest, most unselfish and giving men I've ever known. It will be particularly hard not to think of him every Halloween after the magnificent mazes and pirate ship he constructed two years running. Much of the time he spent working on it was his own time, and he even paid for some of the materials out of his own pocket. He was determined to give the kids and Polynesian Gardens the best show of any kind we’d ever seen. He certainly accomplished that and so much more than that over the years. Javier was an immeasurable help to me during the time I was Association President. He will be sorely missed. My most sincere condolences go out to his family whose loss is truly immeasurable. Rest in peace my friend… Harvey Ratner
My thoughts and prayers go out to his family - my deepest sympathy's… Vincent Scelta
Javier was a great, hardworking man. No matter what was happening, he always had a friendly welcoming smile on his face. He will be missed! My thoughts and prayers are with his family… Anne Jerez
If you would like to add your own comment, family condolence, or share a personal memory of Javier,
please go to the menu above and click CONTACT US and send an email to the office.
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These are some of the rarest flowers in the world, fitting for such a rare man as Javier.
Harvey Ratner, Director of Building 1, Webmaster